Minimizing the Appearance of Large Pores
June 9, 2018
back acne
The Basics of Acne on the Back
November 26, 2018

At the offices of Brian J Williams, skin cancer treatment is among our specialties. We can help you identify and treat cancerous growths covering all the major skin cancer types, plus can help you with removal of cancerous cells.

We’re also here to help you take the right steps to prevent the possible onset of skin cancer down the line. With summer in full swing, this kind of protection is particularly important. Let’s go over some important self-checks, plus sunscreen use and other summer skin protection methods.

Melanomas and Non-Melanomas

A melanoma describes a cancer of the pigment-producing cells in the skin, and it’s one of the most aggressive forms of skin cancer. It’s also less common, though, than basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, both of which are dangerous but are less aggressive.

Basal cell carcinomas are the single most common cancer type known to man, in fact, with over four million new cases diagnosed each year. When found early, these can be easily treated in most cases – this makes self-checks and prevention a huge deal.

Areas to Check

Generally, basal cell carcinomas will be found on sun-exposed areas, most commonly the head and neck. They show up as non-healing sores, bumps, scaly patches or even may look like scars. They’re the kinds of cancer that result from cumulative sun damage.

For squamous cell carcinomas, sun exposure is also a large factor – as are long-standing wounds or issues for people with compromised immune systems. SCCs will show up as warts, scaly bumps, or open and bleeding sores.

Sunscreen Use

If you’re out in the sun this summer, we highly recommend using broad-spectrum sunscreens that stop both UVA and UVB rays, both of which can be harmful to skin. Use an SPF rating of at least 30, sometimes higher if you’ll have prolonged exposure.

Other Protection Methods

Other things you can do to protect yourself from the sun include:

  • Wear protective clothing, such as wide hats and long sleeves
  • Seek shade during the highest-intensity sun hours (10 am to 4 pm)
  • Take vitamin B3 twice daily – this has shown to lower rate of new skin cancers by over 20 percent, and is recommended for high-risk patients or people with a history of non-melanoma skin cancer
  • Avoid indoor tanning beds

For more on keeping the skin safe from the sun this summer, or to learn about any of our eczema, skin rash or acne treatment, speak to the staff at the offices of Brian J Williams today.